by Ross K Ledda

i’m proud of you for what you’ve accomplished:
turning rainstorms into grey skies
and the deep abyss into a shallow pit.
for pulling yourself out from under the heavy boulders—
that which felt like an eternity.
however, here you are
now. go about and collect the fragments
of what you once were.
and continue to trudge
through all that holds you from absolution
leaving your vindictive strife behind.
no matter the outcome, you did what you could.

Ross Ledda is a Native Hawaiian/Filipino writer, photographer, and student. As he continues to grow, his writing, which once began as an outlet for his hardships of life, seeks to convey love, growth, and the understanding that while what we experience in life is unique to us, the feelings that arise from it are felt in waves by many.

@rossdressfohless    rledda.com